Thursday 5 May 2011

First photo: the wife of Osama bin Laden who lunged at US commando

THE woman who the White House said lunged at a US Navy SEAL in a desperate attempt to protect Osama bin Laden has been identified as the terror lord's youngest wife.
The woman  identified by a passport found inside the al Qa'ida leader's Pakistani compound as 29-year-old Amal Ahmed Abdul Fatah  was in the room when commandos shot bin Laden, the New York as saying.
Fatah was shot in the leg and later taken into custody in Pakistan, officials said.
Fatah, who is bin Laden's fifth wife and the only one living with him in the house, had "been gifted" to the al-Qa'ida leader from a Yemeni family when she was just a teenager.
She and bin Laden have had three children. Of his other four wives, he had divorced one and three had moved to Syria.
In initial accounts of the firefight, White House officials claimed bin Laden was armed with a rifle and had used his wife as a "human shield" during Sunday's raid.
White House press secretary Jay Carney confirmed more details of bin Laden's death yesterday, saying the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks was not armed.

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