Tuesday 5 April 2011

Saudi women are not in municipal elections

Chairman of Committee for the municipal elections in Saudi Arabia on Monday that women will not participate in the second election held in the Kingdom as of April 23 next.
Dahmash Rahman said at a press conference in Riyadh, "we are not ready for women's participation in the current municipal elections. "But Dahmash pointed to the existence of a "committee is currently considering the issue of women's participation in the elections"The official said that "Women do not need to stand (for election) only. "The Saudi authorities announced last week that the organization of elections for municipal councils in the Kingdom as of April 23 next.And organized by the Kingdom first municipal elections in 2005, and in 2009 the Government has extended the mandate of the municipal councils for two additional years.
The elections were the first in the history of the Kingdom organized to elect half the members in the 178 municipal councils across the country, while the authorities to choose the rest.
Women did not participate in those elections.
In contrast, Saudi Arabia does not have the mandate of an elected parliamentary body, appointed by the King and members of the Shura Council, which does not have a legislative or regulatory powers.

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